As of 2017, we are now crossing in KuneKune hogs with our AGH hogs to create a smaller colorful herd (if all goes well).
We chose the American Guinea hog for it's size, ease of handling and reputation. These pigs are lard pigs so you have to work them to keep them lean. They can grow very fast and fat with to much food. They are very friendly. Our big boar will roll over on his side to have a belly rub. He is a total sweetheart. All of our sows will allow us to handle their babies with respect.
We pride ourselves on gathering great lines of pigs and breeding happy healthy animals. These are a smaller breed. Mature animals should weigh between 100 and 200 lbs. They make the best bacon and ham, not much but very good. These animals can be butchered by a single person in less than an hour.