Our breeding herd are registered with the OEBR, Old English Babydoll SouthDown Sheep registry, NABSSAR, North American Babydoll SouthDown Sheep Association and Registry and the New BSSBA, Babydoll Southdown Sheep Breeders Association. Our new ewes we added in 2018 and 2020 were added to NABSSAR and BSSBA and bring new genetics to the flock. As of 4/2022, two of our ewe's, lambs cannot be registered with NABSSAR due to the dam's being identified as spot carriers.
We started with Three lamb Ewe's, Raya, the black one is my bottle baby, Vicky and Liz are the royalty who are above following humans around. We expanded with a ram, Sammy, who did his job and we had three lambs the first year we let them together. Each of my ewes gave birth to a single girl. How we managed that I will never know... We added another ram in 2014, BlackJack from a fine line. In 2016 we added another ram Kronus from Fuller farms, and Ramsey from Fuller Farms in 2017. Two new ewe lambs from outside our lines and with great wool were added in 2018. In 2019, we added two ewes from our own flock as we lost two. In 2020 we made a whirl wind trip south to Leonard Kansas and Mary Blide to get two beautiful little ewe lambs and up to Clark SD to meet up with Jody Fuller and grab yet another of her fine rams. Was so nice to meet some of the fine breeders and I could honestly recommend either of them for anybody's farm
We chose the Babydoll for many reasons, it's size, the fact that it is a heritage breed, low maintenance, they tend to not eat mature trees and they are highly friendly. We have had them for only three years but have enjoyed all of it. The girls (all 15 of them now) were run around to each of our pastures, including our front yard to eat down the grass. You follow them through with a light mowing and water the heck out of it and you have beautiful lawn. We have since found that they do eat mature trees if the feel like they want to. So we protect the trees.
One of my ewes had a very bad birth in 2017 and we did not breed her in 2018 or 2019. She was my first ewe, Raya and I was just letting her stay with the lambs and teach them how to be sheep.
She is such a lovely lady and I bottle fed her, as her mom died when she was 3 days old.
In late 2019 I got an email from a lovely lady looking for a companion for her wether. Just a yard pet. Raya found her new home! This is a picture of her in her new yard, smiling with green grass all around! We are so grateful to her new family for sharing these pictures that I asked if it was ok to post on my website, so here she is.